On March 24, 2018 Mid-Atlantic Entry Systems(MAES) participated in it’s 18th consecutive Southeastern Virginia’s Community Association Day (SEVA CA-Day). This annual theme based trade show encourages it’s vendors to participate by decorating their respective booths to both show what their company has to offer to the communities in southeastern Virginia as well as meet the theme of the show.
This year’s show theme was “Blasting off to Better Communities”. The theme of our booth was “Choosing the Right Gate Operator Company Should Not Be Rocket Science”. Lisa and I dressed as rocket scientists and on signs in our booth we listed reasons why MAES is the best choice for gated communities, needing perimeter security systems or service professionals for their current system.
I had the opportunity to co-speak with three others at one of the many educational sessions this year. Our session was titled “Don’t Make Your RFP a UFO”. This class was a basic intro to writing a Request for Proposal. This was a great way for myself and the others in the group to help property managers and board members write quality RFPs.
This show is a great opportunity for MAES to meet potential new customers, answer questions about the products and services we offer to communities and to see current customers. We have been doing it for 18 years and every year we get as much out of it as the people who attend the show.
Tim Morgan
Mid-Atlantic Entry Systems